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Teeth in a Day: All You Wanted to Know

The teeth-in-a-day procedure allows patients to have teeth removal, implant placement, and restorations completed on the same day.

It is a cost-effective way of getting your smile back when you have no teeth or some teeth left on your jaws. It is also a way to get rid of loose and ill-fitting dentures.

In this article:

  • Why should you consider teeth in a day?
  • Procedure and suitability for this procedure.
  • Benefits of the teeth in a day.

And much more.

What is Teeth in a Day?

It replaces your entire set of decaying or missing teeth with a new set of temporary teeth in a single appointment with a surgeon. The system uses 4 to 6 implants per arch instead of one per tooth. It is a minimally invasive procedure that is patient-friendly and also permanent.

Benefits of teeth in a day procedure

This dental treatment:

  • Helps to improve declining jaw structures.
  • Prevents bone loss.
  • Supports facial structures.
  • Offers natural-looking white teeth to give you an instant younger look.
  • Allows chewing without any restrictions.
  • Restores your confidence as you walk out with a bright smile.
  • Provides quick results.
  • Offers fast healing and a high success rate (98%).
  • Makes sure you don’t stay without teeth for long. The longer you stay without teeth, the stronger your chance to lose bone. According to Colgate, when you chew and bite, the force you exert through your teeth into your jaws sends signals to osteoblasts to keep that bone strong.

Also read: Same-Day Dental Implants: What Are They?

Teeth in a day treatment procedure

The traditional implant procedure takes four to nine months to complete fully. In contrast, the smile-in-a-day procedure is completed before you leave the clinic.

From its beginning to its end, the procedure includes the following:

  • A pre-procedure meeting with your doctor to create a treatment plan for you.
  • Your current jawbone structure is captured by a CT scan, which provides a guideline for placing an implant in the bone.
  • Computer simulation is done to determine implant feasibility and position.
  • Removal of the damaged teeth and placing the implants are done at this stage. The surgery takes two to three hours.
  • A temporary dental prosthesis (implant-retained bridge) is fitted to the implants.

Post-procedure: What you should or shouldn’t do

You should care for your mouth during the healing process, which may take as long as 6 months. Dentists, in general, recommend the following:

  • Eat soft food for a few weeks.
  • Avoid crunchy, acidic, or even sticky foods.
  • Do not drink hot liquids immediately. Your bone needs time to bond to your implants.
  • Do not eat spicy foods for the same reason.
  • Avoid rinsing your mouth but take precautions to avoid bacterial infection.
  • Do not touch the surgical site with your tongue or finger after leaving the clinic.
  • Take lots of rest immediately after your surgery.
  • Stay hydrated.

How to keep your implants clean?

Once the healing period is over, you still have to take care of your implants and new teeth. The following will help you to maintain a healthy mouth that is also good for your implants:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Remember to use a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Choose a low-abrasive toothpaste.
  • Clean under the bridge as recommended by your dentist.
  • Wear your mouthguard at night to avoid excessive wear and tear.
  • Do not miss your appointments with your dentist. You should see your dentist every 3/4 months. These appointments should already be a part of your treatment plan and covered by the treatment cost.

Are you eligible for the teeth-in-a-day?

Consider this procedure if you fall into one of the following categories:

  • Your age is advancing, and you have many missing teeth on your jawbones.
  • You have several failed root canals and bridges in your mouth.
  • Nobody wants an unnatural appearance simply because they have lost their teeth because of a trauma, illness, or therapy. Smile-in-a-day may be the treatment you have been looking for.
  • Have you got loose dentures in your mouth?
  • Speech impairment because of missing teeth has recently added to your owes.
  • You have reduced bone density or volume in your jaws and cannot go for implants for each tooth.

Your doctor will determine your eligibility for this treatment based on your overall health condition, jaw structure, bone density and volume, and any pernicious habits you may have.

What is unique about this procedure?

  • A single surgical treatment means a shorter recovery time.
  • The number of phases required to finish implant treatment is also smaller.
  • Treatment is tailored to the unique characteristics of each patient, including facial shape, bone shape, smile shape, and dental bite.
  • Scan-based digital planning especially allows for the creation of highly accurate surgical guidance.
  • The procedure reduces the risk of surgical complications and the need for bone grafting.

What are the disadvantages of having teeth in a day?

When it comes to teeth-in-a-day treatment, there are not many drawbacks. The most common drawback is that this treatment may not be appropriate for all patients.

Because the procedure demands good dental and overall health, it is done case-by-case.

You may not be suitable for this treatment if you smoke heavily or have bone problems. You have to be medically capable of healing your bone. Smoking reduces one’s healing ability.

Your dentist will determine if this is the treatment you need. Inform your dentist all about your health condition during your consultation meeting.

Final Word

Do not hesitate to call your dentist if you have lost all or most of your teeth. Such a condition is treatable within a day.

The procedure is done under local sedation, so only minimum pain is involved. You will leave the clinic with a full set of functional and beautiful teeth in your mouth.

Is the all-on-4 treatment concept efficient and reliable?

The all-on-4 implant concept has a 98% success rate. It is a fast procedure and robustly patient-friendly. 95% of patients said they were highly satisfied or satisfied with the procedure. In comparison, 98% of patients said they would recommend or consider recommending it or related procedures to their families and friends.

What is the cost of the teeth-in-a-day procedure?

Getting your teeth within the same day is a cost-effective dental restoration procedure. A single implant with a crown may cost you about $3,000. Compare this to a full-mouth teeth-in-a-day restoration at $20,000. However, this price is only for reference. Your doctor will be able to give you a final quotation only after examining your teeth.


  • Nobel Biocare. All-on-4® treatment concept.
  • American College of Prosthodontists. Missing Teeth.
  • Colgate. Bone Resorption: Why It Happens And What To Do Next.